What to Expect
Here are just a few of the things you can expect when you visit Berean Bible Church:
Where will I park?
Our services are held inside a large comfortable meeting area at the Waterford Estates Lodge Hotel in South Bend, IN. When you enter the hotel drive you'll see the southernmost part of the building straight ahead and a parking lot just south of that. The place where we hold service is in that southernmost section of the building. Considering this, it is easiest to park in the parking lot that is closest to that part of the building. There are handicap parking spaces near the entrance. Click here for a map and directions to Berean Bible Church.
Where do I go once I'm there?
On the southern section of the hotel you will see a set of double doors (not the main entrance doors located beneath the large awning). Enter the double doors and turn right. You'll see a large meeting area with a fireplace, some tables and chairs, and hopefully a lot of folks meeting and greeting one another! Hang up your coat, grab some refreshments, and have a seat or mingle for a bit before service. Keep in mind that you should be greeted by someone shortly after your arrival. If you have young children with you this will be the time to let your greeter know that you'd like to utilize our children's program.
What are the services like?
At Berean Bible Church we have two unique services on Sundays, each teaching from the Bible and lasting about an hour with a short break in between. The first service (Sunday School) starts at 10:00 a.m and is a very casual service that allows the speaker (sometimes our pastor, sometimes someone else) to speak about different things. The speaker might use this time to address Bible questions that have been raised or to tell a story about a meaningful event or conversation that they might have had. This service is separate from the main service, but sometimes the two are tied together.
The second service (our main service) starts at 11:00 a.m. During this time Pastor Ray Keable presents his sermon. The sermons are typically a continuation of an ongoing lesson, such as teaching through the book of Acts, for example.
What happens after the service?
After the service you can either stick around and chat or you can leave. The choice is yours!
Is there a dress code?
No, but we would ask that you come dressed modestly, and by modestly we mean maturely. You don't have to come in your "Sunday best", but you certainly can if you'd like. Most people dress like they would any other time, choosing to wear jeans and a t-shirt or polo.
What Bible version does the pastor teach from?
Our pastor teaches from the King James Bible.
Will I be expected to give money when I'm there?
Not at all. While we always appreciate donations we do not take up an offering or ask for money. If you would like to donate, however, there is a donation box available. Those who wish to give can drop their donation in this box at anytime before or after service. Online giving will be an option at a later time.
- Wonderful, friendly, welcoming people
- A comfortable and casual atmosphere (wear what you want!)
- An edifying, rightly divided, message taught from the King James Bible
- A pressure free environment (we won't put you on the spot!)
- Refreshments
Where will I park?
Our services are held inside a large comfortable meeting area at the Waterford Estates Lodge Hotel in South Bend, IN. When you enter the hotel drive you'll see the southernmost part of the building straight ahead and a parking lot just south of that. The place where we hold service is in that southernmost section of the building. Considering this, it is easiest to park in the parking lot that is closest to that part of the building. There are handicap parking spaces near the entrance. Click here for a map and directions to Berean Bible Church.
Where do I go once I'm there?
On the southern section of the hotel you will see a set of double doors (not the main entrance doors located beneath the large awning). Enter the double doors and turn right. You'll see a large meeting area with a fireplace, some tables and chairs, and hopefully a lot of folks meeting and greeting one another! Hang up your coat, grab some refreshments, and have a seat or mingle for a bit before service. Keep in mind that you should be greeted by someone shortly after your arrival. If you have young children with you this will be the time to let your greeter know that you'd like to utilize our children's program.
What are the services like?
At Berean Bible Church we have two unique services on Sundays, each teaching from the Bible and lasting about an hour with a short break in between. The first service (Sunday School) starts at 10:00 a.m and is a very casual service that allows the speaker (sometimes our pastor, sometimes someone else) to speak about different things. The speaker might use this time to address Bible questions that have been raised or to tell a story about a meaningful event or conversation that they might have had. This service is separate from the main service, but sometimes the two are tied together.
The second service (our main service) starts at 11:00 a.m. During this time Pastor Ray Keable presents his sermon. The sermons are typically a continuation of an ongoing lesson, such as teaching through the book of Acts, for example.
What happens after the service?
After the service you can either stick around and chat or you can leave. The choice is yours!
Is there a dress code?
No, but we would ask that you come dressed modestly, and by modestly we mean maturely. You don't have to come in your "Sunday best", but you certainly can if you'd like. Most people dress like they would any other time, choosing to wear jeans and a t-shirt or polo.
What Bible version does the pastor teach from?
Our pastor teaches from the King James Bible.
Will I be expected to give money when I'm there?
Not at all. While we always appreciate donations we do not take up an offering or ask for money. If you would like to donate, however, there is a donation box available. Those who wish to give can drop their donation in this box at anytime before or after service. Online giving will be an option at a later time.